Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Post Game GAB July 23, 2012

Don't worry, I'll start adding pictures and make this all prettier at some point. But for now, just go with it.

So Billingsly gets the win and Jansen saves it. A 5 game winning streak for L.A. Awesome.
I still stand by my earlier post (my first one), but we'll see. There is still plenty of ball to be played.

For now let's talk about Cruz's second inning home run.
Remember what I said about chemistry?
If the stars are aligned and the right guy is given a chance, hopefully he'll take that chance and use it to his advantage... and he'll find that sweet spot.
Tonight Luis Cruz did just that.

Don't get me wrong- Dee Gordon is missed - he steals bases like no other, and his shortstop moves are spot on.
But this isn't a competition. This is simply an opportunity for Cruz to show what he can do. 
And tonight he did just that... again.

And this fan is loving it.

Girl Talk time: How many times do we give a guy a chance... and he doesn't take it?
Grrr. Right?
When we see him shine and he is doing all the right things, we root for him. We want him to step up to the plate. Especially if there's chemistry. 
And when he does take the chance... he doesn't let it slip away... it gives your heart permission to skip a beat.

To be fair, Cruz  has been called up before by other teams, but this is the first time really that he has been starting every day.
He has found chemistry AND opportunity... with the Dodgers.
Dear Luis,
Don't let this one get away.

To be fair, some of it relies on the club. Will they keep him when Gordon comes off the DL?

Dear Dodgers,
Don't let this one get away.

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