Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pregame Priorities Wednesday July 25, 2012

I was gonna let a few thoughts marinate (my word of the day) till after the game later, but with the trade deadline looming and the fact we just acquired Hanley Ramirez I couldn't sit still.
This is interesting to me.
The veteran infielder is 28 years old. With a career batting average of .300 and the flexibility to play third and shortstop, Ramirez promises to add a little something special to L.A. He's coming over from Florida in a deal that cost us Eovaldi and Single A player Scott McGough.
Here's my two cents: We have Cruz. You all know how I feel about Cruz. (Dear Newcomers- I adore him so far.)
We have Hairston. I haven't talked much about Jerry, but sometimes the ones we talk about least are the ones who need no introduction and can speak for themselves. But here, let me spell it out for you: Hairston at third is art. He is like Cirque du Soleil AT THIRD. Hairston in any other position works just fine too, but put that man on third and we got talent AND style. Wow. Just wow.
Ok, so with all of that said, I will assume (and hope) that we have acquired Ramirez for his batting talents. He has back to back Louisville Silver Slugger Awards (2008-2009).
He was an All Star three years in a row (2008-2010). Beyond the facts, I will admit I have no opinion of the guy. Yet. On paper, I am pretty sure we  got the better end of the deal. So we'll just have to wait and see. 
But...shouldn't we be focusing on getting a little help for the mound?
Yes, we need someone to back up Kemp and Ethier- we need a little more power at the plate. But first things first.
Our bull pen is crying. Ok, maybe I am the one crying, but this is serious. We are 2.5 games back of San Francisco. Our starters and relievers need a little love. The season isn't getting any any younger.

Girl Talk: Sometimes we neglect the most important things: ourselves. We become so wrapped up in "stuff" that our priorities become skewed. Balance is good. We need to know what we need. We should always be in the know of what makes us truly sparkle inside (I'm talking guys- not manicures or massages although those are good too). For me, it's the guy that can keep me centered. He can pitch me one look, and I am back on earth. Heaven on earth. When I am feeling scattered, he is my shortstop: he can catch me from any direction. It's effortless for him- he is simply a natural at what he does. Me personally, I am "all-over-the-place." And I like that about myself. But man-oh-man, when that one guy comes along and just brings me to a screeching halt,... I melt.
I respond to that. I know that about myself. Who doesn't like to melt? So I take care to prioritize and make time to... melt. Ladies, our own starters are our own relievers- our hearts. They too need a little self-love. So yes, get the mani-pedi, the massage, the new dress....
There's always time to hit one out of the park.
But sometimes it's nice to be brought to a screeching halt,... and then... just... stand... still.
See you after the game. First pitch 5:15 pm, PDT.

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