Friday, August 17, 2012

10 Innings? Hurry and Win Already...

At ten innings, I'm at a loss. It should have never gotten this far. I have plans. Dear Dodger pitchers: Next time do NOT let Chipper Jones hit a home run early on! It just gets them riled up! Although, if you are going to surrender a home run, it may as well be to the Man himself. After all, Jones IS retiring after this season. A shoo-in for the Hall of Fame, he is Amazing deserving that capital A. What a career! So if your plans get pushed a little late because of a legend, deal with it. What would happen if George Clooney called? Look, the Braves had the lead, Ethier hit one of his own giving US the lead, then things happened ... and next thing you know it's a tied game in the tenth. More later...I have plans... (Dear Dodgers, don't lose...)

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