Tuesday, August 28, 2012

6th Inning GAB: Brace Yourself...

As one announcer put it, only Matt Kemp could crash into a wall and stay in the game smiling. Yet shortly after, Kemp left the game. Hopefully just on the side of caution. That crash was scary. And just last night, Kemp crashed into a wall. He was able to brace himself a bit better if that can be said- he hit that wall at an angle and the chain link fence gave a little...Ugh. This is scary- forget the possibility of a DL stint again (perish the thought) I just hope the guy is ok. Seriously. I am still in awe of our center fielder- he stayed in the game at all! Wow. Just wow.

NEW GIRLS: DL stand for Disabled List. It puts the guy off work for awhile as per doctor/trainer orders. 


Wasn't this supposed to be "THE year??" Curses. 

GIRL TALK: Ladies, you know the feeling of major disappointment? Like when you think you are going to get the ring but you get a popcorn popper instead? ("But you LIKE Mickey Mouse...!" he said with a surprised look on his face. True story.) 

Yeah, THIS is THAT. For months, the Dodgers had the best record in baseball for the season. Their record was outstanding. Then this happened.  
It's heartbreaking. It's disappointing.  So when it happens, what often happens, is you let it go awhile longer (for the duration of September?) and then you break it off, and you move on till love is in the air again during spring. Can anyone say spring training 2013? Looking forward to it, for sure. Yes, we can hang in there and HOPE the guy comes to his senses and recognizes a golden opportunity ... it can happen... 

But the natural instinct is to prepare ourselves for the inevitable discussion: "We need to talk... a POPCORN popper? There wasn't even any POPCORN IN IT!" (It was a Christmas present to boot. Ugh. Told you- true story.) 

So to tie it in to the game for those of you scratching your heads and pretty tresses...(yes that's Brigitte Bardot- gorgeous hair and all)...
Us fans thought this would be the year Dodgers would win it all. Here we are getting close to the time when things need to happen,... and it's looking grim. So I am bracing myself for the worst- still hoping for the best, but emotionally bracing myself. 

Hey, there is always Pumpkin Spice Latte, soon to be followed by Egg Nog Latte and Gingerbread Spice... ok, I'm ready to use my treat receipt. It's after 2:00pm. Love Starbucks... 
and I will always love my Dodgers (ok, I want those).
L.A. Dodgers Home Page

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