Monday, August 27, 2012

Pre Game GAB: 8/27: Good News/Bad News

Bad news first: Dodgers lost yesterday. The good news: Vin Scully is coming back next year. Now THAT'S what I call good news! We needed that. If there is anyone more loved in the Dodger organization, I wanna know who it is. Although it might be close to call with Nancy Bea Hefley, (LOVE Nancy Bea!) the organist who plays all the wonderful, familiar tunes at home games, including but not limited to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." I want a Nancy Bea Hefley bobblehead! They need to make one- seriously! Who do I write to?? Vinny and Nancy...those two are quite the pair of beloved icons, and to hear that Vinny is returning for 2013 made my day. 

Ok, let's discuss the other news. Let's not even call it bad. Let's coin a new phrase: There is good news (that one we know), and then there is "pirate news." Pirate news is now the new term coined for things that make you go "AAUURGH!!!" 

Or maybe it should be Charlie Brown news... 

Dear Dodgers, the Giants are on a losing streak. Take advantage of it. I am not very good at math (I was a theatre major for a reason). So with a friend's help yesterday, I think we narrowed down the magic number for the Dodgers: 38. I think. Again, math NOT a strong suit of mine. The Giants have a magic number of 30. Again, I think. 

Dear Giants, Keep losing. THAT would be good news, too. Dodger's Beckett starts tonight against the Rockies in Colorado. We just got him from Boston- remember that little-HUGE trade a few days ago? 

Ok, so I predicted it might be a little too late for all this hoopla to be effective for this season, but I also predicted Josh Beckett to be an L.A. GOOD fit. I stand by that. (Poor guy- how many planes has he been on in the last 72 hours??). Hopefully though, it's NOT too late for this season. I hope I am wrong about that. And hopefully I am right about Beckett. Also coming over to the L.A. roster form Boston is Carl Crawford... who is recovering from surgery (elbow injury).  And let's not forget Nick Punto, Red Sox infielder...who is hitting lower than Loney... I don't want to talk about it. 

But again, the real prize in the trade is Adrian Gonzalez. First baseman. Batting .300. 86 RBIs. 15 home runs. NEW GIRLS: These numbers are all good. It's not like designer sale prices, where lower is better. {Jimmy CHOO shoes!! Wheee!!!!}

So now, all that stands to be is DOING SOMETHING. GIRL TALK: Ever meet a smooth talking guy who just needs to put up- or shut up? Those guys who talk a great game, say all the right things...but then fall short when it comes to putting their  money (or heart) where their mouth is so-to-speak? Like Mr. Big? Yes. This is that. 

It's no coincidence that I use that metaphor cliche since this trade cost the Dodgers a lot of money. As a fan, I am touched by the efforts of the new ownership. To them a HUGE thank you! It is refreshing after several years of You-Know-Who at the helm. Why hasn't HE gone back to Boston?? New Girls: A man named Frank McCourt used to own the team. He doesn't anymore. And THAT is EXTREMELY good news. Oldie but goodie news always. (Ah, Drive-ins... oldies but goodies always too!)

Now our Boys in Blue need to take the reigns and WIN. LET'S GO BLUE! Game time: 5:40pm PDT. 

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