Sitting at the game last night I was pretty sure my head would explode. ( Dodgers are supposed to have the best line up.The Rockies have the worst pitching. Wha' happened? Oof.
Girl Talk: You know when one of your BFFs starts in on stuff she has rehashed and rehashed and she still never takes your advice? Sometimes you gotta just walk away. She (or he) ain't buyin' the advice you're sellin'. They always have the same problem with the same guy over and over and over and over again. And yet, they keep tryin' what ain't workin'. It's ok to throw your hands up in the air and say: "I give." Doesn't mean you don't love them anymore. Doesn't mean you are not going to be there for them. It just means that their baggage is starting to weigh your life down.
It hurts you to see them in this world of hurt, but a little tough love is required. So... walk away. Let them sit there and think about what they have done.
It might be the only way they learn. Then,... when they figure it out, they'll find their way back to you. And you will be there, because that's what friends are for.
"You're Welcome."
Ok, so the fans are showing up. We're in those stands cheering them on, sending positive vibes and blowing kisses and doing the wave and eating Dodger dogs and ,... and... all that goodness.
Geesh. All that fuss to generate some heat at the plate... and we have one run in two games against the last place team in our division. Ugh. I'll be over here if you need me. Dear Dodgers, I love you. I will always love you. You and Snoopy were my two first loves. Stop losing. If Snoopy can fend off the Red Baron, you can win one over Colorado. Love, Me. Game time 7:10 pm PDT. I [will] SEE YOU at the Ravine. L.A. Dodgers Home Page
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