You know... *sigh... just when you think you got it all figured out...then... SPLAT! You get beat by the Pirates (the Pirates?!) At least we're still out in front by half a game. I was asked by a close friend the other day why is that I (and other fans) tend to refer to themselves as part of the team almost by use of the pronoun "we." For instance: "We won; We lost; We are in first." The close friend aptly pointed out that "You [I] didn't score 6 runs... I didn't catch that pop-fly, I didn't wear a uniform..." It got me thinking. Why DO fans use the term "We" when referring to the team they root for. My answer at the time was the same even after having mulled it over for a day or two. We, the fans, ARE a part of it all. Without the fans the team wouldn't exist. Sponsors would have no audience to target for their ads on TV. No one would buy seats for home games. No merchandise would be sold. Sports writers wouldn't have readers to write for, and then they would be out of a job. Without fans, the teams would cease. Maybe some players would play for the sheer fun and joy of it, but probably not for long. A lot of ball players can often be heard to say "it's for the kids." Well, who do they think bought the kids' tickets and souvenirs and Dodger dogs etc.? "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." --Walt Disney.
I think Disney was onto something there. Hmm. Smart man. Knew what he was talking about.
The grown up fans gotta count for something too. So WE are all in this together. WE stress and worry if our team is going to make the playoffs this year. WE all hope that they do. And WE all have a story to tell as to why we love the game or what it means to us.
GIRL TALK: It's like our Best Friends. We take their joys personally just like we take their sorrows to heart. We know when we met, where we met, and what their stats with guys are. We watch them do well and we cheer them on... and we watch them drop the ball so-to-speak and we are there to help pick up the pieces. But WE are always on their side. Now, I am not saying I personally know any ball players or that I am friends with any, but I grew up watching them and cheering for them. Hearing Vin Scully in the background is comforting. His voice is familiar. I have heard that voice since I was two years old. So yeah, I feel comfortable in using the word "We," when I talk about MY team. I'm no team owner, but I take pride and I take stock in my team. So yeah, WE should be just fine in hanging onto first all by ourselves for now. And as for my close friend who originally asked me the question (bet you forgot this all started with a question,didn't you), I realized this IS a "close" friend. Anyone allowed to still be my friend after asking why I refer to the Dodgers with possessive pronouns must be close.

L.A. Dodgers Home Page
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