Sunday, August 26, 2012

POST GAME GAB: 8/25/12: Never Too Late?

We've won two in a row. Excellent. We're on a roll.

We are "only" 2 games back (Giants lost). Sweet! See? Sometimes thinking too much about it doesn't serve any good. Ok. So now we make a run for it at the eleventh hour

with a trade via Boston. This had better be old news to True Blue Fans, by the way. As of yesterday, Dodgers get Adrian Gonzalez, Carl Crawford and Josh Beckett. Gonzalez is the featured prize.The man can hit. He even homered tonight. 

And with Loney just not making the grade, we had to do something. Here's one problem I had though: WHY was Loney constantly being called up to pinch hit for L.A in crucial situations if he wasn't cutting the mustard? Whatever. We got Gonzalez. Again, sweet! And in spite of Josh Beckett having a bad rap in Boston for being something of dead-weight for the team and payroll, my instinct tells me that he will do fine in L.A. Maybe he just needs a change of scenery. We all do once in awhile.

Plus, it's also my instinct that Boston forced Beckett on the deal. "Here L.A., you can have Gonzalez only IF you take Beckett off our hands." With his pride at stake, I am thinking Beckett just might rise to the occasion. (Ah, Samuel Beckett... one of my favorite playwrights...)

And Crawford? In my opinion, he just came along for the ride. 

Now HERE'S my stronger opinion: OPINION ALERT: It's too late in the season to have an impact. These guys that the Dodgers have acquired since before AND after the trade deadline had better stick around for 2013 if they- and the fans- want to see anything produced. There are 6 more days in this month, then September. That's it. October regular season is right around the corner. It would be fantastical to think a post season is in our realistic future for 2012.  It takes time to come together and gel as a team. By the time L.A. does just that, it might be too late. 

And if they got their act together as a team that played consistent baseball the way it should be played, they might very well tire themselves out by October 1st by trying too hard.  In all honesty, it's great how the new L.A. Ownership is investing in the team. Finally, a legit bankroll and people at the top who actually care. But 2012 is effectively a 1% pipe-dream. Can it be done? Oh sure. Absolutely. What are the odds? In my opinion, sadly sad. I just think it is too late for this season. I HOPE I am wrong. I think this team and it's new energy is an amazing set of players. I would LOVE for them to prove my instinct wrong. And they ARE on the right track to do just that having won two in a row. Make no mistake: I LOVE my Dodgers and support them whole-heartedly. Therein lies my loyalty. So maybe it's never too late...

Game time Sunday August 27 is 1:10pm PDT. GO Blue!

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