Dodgers fall short. Again. 10 short to be exact. And two and a half back now of the Giants. Really? On a day when the Giants didn't even play? And Beckett didn't exactly shine- what with giving up that home run to the first batter (second pitch no less??). AAUGH!. And there was no support with the bats. So much for the big Gonzalez experiment. And Victorino stealing his base- and even getting an extra one out of it because that's what the Flyin' Hawaiian does, right? He's fast. But what good does it do if they can't score? It's like a tease.
I am hurt. I can't say I didn't predict this, but I gotta wonder how the owners feel. But I can only speak for myself as a fan (and the fact that I still call myself a fan in public should speak volumes). But I feel let down. I'm hurt. Embarrassed.

GIRL TALK: You know when your best Guy lets you down? Whether he stood you up or forgot your birthday/anniversary or didn't call when he said he would...whatever the situation was, and you had told all your friends about him and so now all your friends know? It's embarrassing. And it hurts.

Yeah. This is that. There are only so many times we can offer up excuses for them. After so many times, they are gonna have to face the embarrassment on their own. They are going to have to sit there and think about what they have done.
But if it's Mr. Big, we always seem to give them that proverbial one-more-chance. And maybe... just maybe they won't let us down next time. Now THAT would be something to look forward to! Gotta still give the love... *Sigh... That being said... GO Blue! Game Time tomorrow 5:40pm PDT.
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