Let's think about that word for a moment. What inspires you? For me it's easy if the right buttons are pushed:
pastels, curls in my hair, glitter, Lucille Ball, Eugene O'Neil, Saturday Night Live circa 1977,
smiles- smiles that genuinely mean-what-they-say, chocolate, Maureen Dowd (she's by far my fave contemporary writer), being on my tip toes especially while wearing heels!, swing dancing, satire and sarcasm, amazing hugs, ice skating, Ella Fitzgerald, the moon, fun and interesting vocabulary, old classic cars, cross-word puzzles, vintage Hollywood- silent movies are amazing!- brilliance, SMART artists (directors and such), and of course Dodgers. AND THEN GRAND SLAMS! THIS HAPPENED! A.J. Ellis' first career grand slam!
Picture found on ESPN ... not of today's but nonetheless, A.J. ELLIS! Wheee!
I'll tell you what DOESN'T inspire me... almost letting the game get away! UGH. *Whew...! But let's not talk about that.
If you ever see me twirling my hair, you know I'm caught red-handed-inspired. For me, that's a sure-sign-give-away. So now that you have a better idea of what makes me ramble, let's discuss a six-run inning for the Dodgers today. Sweet! Maybe they just needed a little inspiration... one run scores, two runs are in, a two run homer...etc. Then in a later inning, FOUR at ONE TIME....Ellis Grand Slam...Nice! Now if they just keep it in perspective and realize they can't carry over those runs into other games- they can't spread them out... then we might still stand a chance. Let's. Keep. It. Going! (And stop giving up a bunch of runs at the last minute to the other team!)
Girl Talk Quickie: Be inspired. Take a sneak peek at "the" guy... your Mr. Big. Don't do anything ... just breathe and let it inspire you. Then see what happens...
Game time tomorrow: 7:10pm PDT. See you at the Ravine!
L.A. Dodgers Home Page
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