Monday, August 20, 2012

Pre Game GAB: 8/20/12... Classy Classic Rivalry

Ah, the Reserved level. Home Sweet Home Games...

Here we go. Dodgers are in first in the west. Again. By half a game. Giants lost their last game. We have won our last two. Any other fans out there feel like a yo-yo? Many visual and indirect refs to Sex and the City's just how my brain works. Love that show...

I will admit, the yo-yo thing... it is kind of fun. The yo-yo effect adds a little dimension to the pennant race. A little ... breathlessness... We all have (or have had) our Mr. Big... and our Aiden. And let's face it Ladies, we all  like to have our breath taken away... 
Of course then again, there is the cliche that I wish the Dodgers would stop toying with us and just grab the brass west-ring for themselves. And tonight guess who plays who... Home game for the Boys in Blue, and they will take on their long-time-not-to-mention-BIG-TIME-current rivals the Giants at the Ravine. Dear Fans of BOTH Teams: PLAY NICE. Do NOT be stupid. New Girl Talk: Ever have one of those rivalries in your favor or honor that seem flattering yet ridiculous? 

Ok, imagine that, ... now multiply it by 10.  Now you are 1/10 of the way to examining the Dodgers v. the Giants. Remember, San Fran won't have Melky Cabrera due to his suspension. But Mattingly has served his suspension so he is due back in he dugout running things. Remember that outburst Thursday in Pittsburgh between umpire Angel Campos, Don Mattingly and Matt Kemp? Yeah, about that... I don't think I ever addressed that. In my opinion, *OPINION ALERT... in my opinion Campos was just as much at fault for that whole mess if not more. Isn't it the job of the umpire to remain calm and neutral? Seriously, a manager should NOT be put in a position to HAVE to defend his players for simply cheering each other on. Enter Campos who is not a regular  umpire per se (a "fill-in" umpire) and decides to show off some ridiculous bravado... ugh. Just ugh. What was Campos trying  to prove anyway? Ick. Just ick. Ok, enough of that- I have wasted enough time on Campos... let's see... ah yes, rivalries... we have all had them or felt them on our behalf. One or the other or maybe both. They are flattering and they make us work. They make us think. They make us feel. But when things get ugly, it's time to grow up and be civilized. Again: Dear Fans of Both Sides: Play Nice. Regardless of who wins. Again, classic rivalries are just that... classic. Let's let them stay... CLASSY.

See you at the Ravine...

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