Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/5/12 GAME GAB: Learn Something New

Made it to Matt Kemp replica jersey night. Neat! Sometimes the best laid plans are last minute ones. Hadn't planned on going but then got a call... I'm in! Too bad we lost. But something caught my eye last night: Victorino. He really impressed me when he outran a pickle situation. Now that's some good baseball! If you can get out of a "pickle" that's sweet. New Girls: A "pickle" is being caught between 2 bases- trapped- and about to be tagged out. There's nowhere to run.

And with two outs as in Victorino's situation last night, that would have been sad. But he somehow faked them out and with no one covering second base, managed to make it there safely. I did feel really bad for John Ely. I have always liked him as a pitcher. But he certainly hasn't been done any favors by being forced to stay for the entire season in Triple A. As a September call up, I had faith in him. And I gotta say, even though he let it all get away from us last night, it's an instinct I have on the guy: I still have faith in him. He pitched big league 2010-2011. And he was the Pacific Coast League's pitcher of the year this season. Something just tells me he's still got something. I hope the Dodgers give him that chance. 

I also got a chance to catch up with some friends. Some visiting from out of town. Another one in another section - still on reserved level. Discovered the ICEE stand... HOW LONG HAS THAT BEEN THERE??? (Forgive me if it was different company, but I was super excited and it was so hot I just bought it in my delirium- it certainly looked and tasted like one! )
Clearly I need to venture out of my comfort zone more often. GIRL TALK: You know how that is.... We get stuck in a rut, same guy or same routine and it's comfortable so we don't leave. 

How are we supposed to grow and see or learn new things? 

For instance, last night sitting there is a different section - right field reserved this time- I learned the calculation of a slugging percentage. Hmph. Had never thought about it. I was stumped. "What's the slugging percentage?" Apparently it is the total bases divided by at bats. *At least that's what I learned once I was home. Couldn't look it up at the Ravine- internet connection on the phone at the stadium is about as good as Andruw Jones' slugging percentage when he played for the Dodgers. So if anyone has anything to add to that, please feel free.So I learned slugging percentage and Icee location. Math and a treat. Not bad. Now if only they had won. Now that was a blown opportunity. Which brings me back to the comment which ticked me off a few nights ago: if last night wasn't an opportunity then what are they waiting for?? Giants had lost yesterday! *Sigh. Look, I know we can't win them all. But winning the right ones at the right time is key. (Ok, I like these....) 

Meanwhile, as I write this, the Dodgers are trailing in the ninth 4-3.
They've lost too many at the wrong AND right times, so sadly there have run out of wiggle room. And it's a horrible feeling to lose your keys.... (insert groan at dumb joke). 

I've never been a huge football fan- I cant keep track of the ball for crying out loud! Who has it??? But I am thinking since that season is now just starting maybe it can help distract me. Oh, I will still watch the playoffs and the World Series. And I will root for National League regardless of who it is. Ok, maybe I would root for the Orioles since they are such the underdog and I would LOVE TO SEE THEM WIN OVER THE YANKEES ... and look out here they come! One game back...! See Dodgers? Learn from the Orioles! And GIRL TALK: If learning that the same routine or same guy is what makes our toes curl and makes all of Shakespeare make sense, then we have learned something wonderful. 

Day off tomorrow. Rest up Boys... there is work to be done! GOTTA GO BEAT THE GIANTS! Next Game: Friday in San Francisco. This one's gonna be big... 

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