Wednesday, September 12, 2012

UnExpectations: Post Game GAB: 9/12/12


We had the lead. We got on the board right away. Then something happened. Something dumb. We started to allow Arizona to score. One wild pitch, and it started to unravel... runners at first and third, next thing you know, L.A.'s lead is cut to 2-1. Then one thing leads to another, aaaand ... we're tied. Then the Diamondbacks jump out in front 3-2, and there it stays. When the only way it seems your key slugger can get on base is by being hit by a pitch, you know you're in trouble. 

Ok, so I may have to revise my thought process and cheering section a bit: GO for that wild card! 

Often when the Boys in Blue pull ahead first and early in the game, they start piling on the runs. Tonight wasn't often enough. 

But sometimes, in the dredges of disappointment, a glimmer of interesting happens. This time I'll relate life to baseball and offer the inspiration reversed. 

Girl Talk: Ever start talking to someone new and find it fun and easy? Yeah, it happens. Tonight, sitting there in a new place for dinner (ok, just new to me- I had never been there before- sushi-this happened... ) 

...and the TV is on, and next thing I know the conversation is interesting. And the guy is cute. But he's taken (eyeroll- of course). So then here is the inspiration: Girls, I've said it before: PRACTICE. So now, I send that inspiration onto the team: PRACTICE. Have fun. Look, if it's taken- first place, a playoff berth, the guy- whatever, use it as inspiration and to your advantage. Dear Dodgers, Make it new again. Have fun. Flirt with winning. (But then don't actually lose.) Even if you know it can't lead anywhere. The division is taken (as my dear Giants fans friends so kindly pointed out in texts to me throughout the evening...grrr...). So start having fun playing the game again! And Ladies, the same applies to you. Have fun with it. You might surprise yourself. 

I do think guys have a harder time thinking outside the box. Dating someone they're not attracted to. Women tend to have an easier time doing that. Probably because men tend to be visual? More so than women?  So maybe it will be a little harder for the Boys in Blue to get things going again. After all, after you've been "out of the game" for awhile, it's harder to start the winning streak. And for single girls, it may be hard to start dating again.  All I can say is, stop thinking so much. Get outa your head, and have fun with it. Be inspired. It's just a game. It's just dating. It ain't physics. 
Game time tomorrow: 7:10pm PDT. See You at the Ravine!

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