Found this template at http://losangeles.dodgers.mlb.com/la/fan_forum/pumpkins.jsp
They have others to be sure. Hey, there are still plenty of Thanksgiving pumpkins to be carved....

I digress. Shocker.
Earlier when I said lots has happened, by "lots" I meant THIS HAPPENED!
Mark McGwire is named as the new Hitting Coach for the
Los Angeles Dodgers!
Big Mac as he is affectionately known, is now the Dodgers hitting coach. We have Hope again!
Yes, yes, yes...this is not without controversy....but that's in the past and Mark McGwire is our hitting coach now... SWEEEEET!!!! Look, he's admitted what he did in the past was and remains a mistake that he has to deal with, and he adamantly encourages others not to follow the path of PEDs. NEW GIRLS: It stands for performance enhancing drugs (generally steroids). But Mark McGwire continues to set an example of a brilliant player turned coach/mentor by being someone who was and is held accountable for his actions and mistakes. And he has worked HARD to rebuild his reputation. Period. That's all what counts. He owned up to it all. And the Dodgers' organization clearly sees that and wants him. I don't think the Cards wanted to lose McGwire. But you know what.... the way I see it is this: the St. Louis Cardinals got to be the Wild Card in the NL this season.They beat out the Dodgers for that privilege. We get their batting coach. As much as I would have loved to have seen he Dodgers advance this past season to the playoffs,.... I'll take this trade-off in return as a bit of oh-so-sweet poetic irony. GIRL TALK: Ladies, you know, it's that feeling you get when you finally get what you knew you were good enough for all along... the best.
Huh. Just now caught the parallel of Big and Big Mac. Unintended but I now clearly see...
(wait for it....)
it was in the Cards.
I'm vegetarian but I may just have to celebrate this one with a Big Mac tonight (I'll just have them put the meat on the side). From a SoCal girl to a SoCal boy... Welcome home Mark McGwire. Clearly it was in the cards for you to come home to SoCal. Welcome to the Dodgers. Here's to 2013!
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