Friday, August 31, 2012

8/31/12 PreGame GAB: Blue Moon...

Blue Moon... once every 33 months (give or take), a song, superstitions,...Where to start? Ok, let's starts with where else would I be on the night of a Blue Moon... go on, guess. 

Ok, that one was a gimme. Second, the color- it won't actually look blue - unless L.A. is near a great big fire or volcanic eruption and someone forgot to tell me. But I am no longer on an island. And Smokey is on duty, so I feel safe.

But the thought of sitting in Dodger stadium under a Blue Moon is rather charming. A little bewitching perhaps?

Ok, last but not least, let's discuss the luck factor. Ah, luck. Yes. Remember that  little gem? How often have the Dodgers been winning? About ... oh I don't know... say... once in a blue moon?? ( I am sure the grammatical  structure of that sentence was a tad off, but I liked the way it sounded....) Seriously, do what you need to do: do a blue dance, sing the song, paint your toes blue, whatever... but go outside and make a wish on that moon tonight that the team the new owners paid so much money for actually pays off! Frankly a little luck right now wouldn't hurt. And baseball players and fans alike are about as superstitious as they come. Again, there is something sweet to be said for wishing on the moon. As childish as it may seem, maybe it's ok every once in awhile to surrender to the wistfulness in our heart of hearts and allow ourselves to dream. Even if we know it's a long shot. A Blue Moon comes along about once every three years or so. Hopefully Dodger fans won't have to wait till the next Blue Moon for... never mind. I'm not gonna jinx it.  

GIRL TALK: You know how it is when you just know it's the right thing? But the timing is off...? What harm does it do to still wish, right? I mean, if the Zsa Zsa Zsu is there, and it's real, then whatever is real is worth waiting for. Just wait. Be patient. Don't force it. If you have to walk away and wait  till next season, the Zsa Zsa Zsu will still be there. If it's real. Always. Trust me on this. The real stuff comes along once in a Blue Moon. And the real stuff is worth waiting for. Always. 

Here's Lookin' at you, Kid.... 
Yours Truly, Me. 

GO Blue {Moon}!  
See you at the Ravine. Game Time 7:10pm PDT
L.A. Dodgers Home Page

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