Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Never Give Up: Game Gab: 9/12/12

I wish I was a football girl. I think the season just started... I think? Phblt! That should tell you right there how much I pay attention to football- that also tells you what happens to me when I come across a sport that plays once a week... "Have they played yet?" 
So since following football is a non real Kim pipe dream...Ok. Here we are. The odds are not in our favor. Even ESPN agrees: the Dodgers have a 23.9% chance of making the playoffs.  The Cardinals have a 58.7% chance, and we play them tomorrow for a CRUCIAL series. Talk about arithmetic. And frankly, the Dodgers need to get real... this isn't funny anymore!

Yes, yes, I will be there tomorrow. It's fleece blanket night. Must. Have. But more importantly, let's hope the L.A. bats are warmed up. Hot would be preferred- like the weird weather in L.A. right now. But I digress. Chances are Atlanta will be the wild card. But here's the interesting part: St. Louis doesn't do as well on the road. 

Dear Dodgers, USE THAT. You're welcome. Signed, Kim. 

The other interesting thing, is that the Giants have a 98.5% chance of making it to the playoffs. However slim the chance is for them NOT to make it... why not seize that an use it as inspiration?? Inspiration to get them bats swinging! And once runners are on base, be inspired to bring them home and NOT leave them stranded. As much as I love the sound of Vin Scully's voice, I grow weary of him reminding us after every game how many runners on base we left stranded. It's just embarrassing. And if you want to talk about inspiration, just look at the Baltimore Orioles. They are tied for first with the Yankees! Talk about the underdogs! 

Seriously, when was the last time the Orioles were even THOUGHT of during the second week of September?? Ok, if the Orioles can do it, WE can do it. I still say we go for broke and chase the west front spot. Wild card/ shmild card. No. We will get mauled. And we will be the laughing stock of... of.. of ... well, a lot of people will scoff after we have spent all that money to build up our bats and only come up with a wild card spot- and barely. No no no. We must win. I am back on that band wagon. Never Give Up! 

GIRL TALK: We know how that is. Remember high school? We buy the dress. We get the hair done. And we stand against the wall. No one asks us to dance. Till the last dance when it's just embarrassing, and we leave as that song starts to play. At least, {ahem} at least that's what I heard. Oh well. Seriously, GIRL TALK: We all know what it can be like to have that teeny tiny slim little chance to be asked out by that one perfect guy. And sometimes it can happen. Never give up. Sometimes it does happen. Sometimes they DO ask us to dance... Sometimes the best thing to do is hold in....And voila! Magic. 

Dear Dodgers, Let's see some VOILA!...MAGIC! After all, Parker, Bergman and Hepburn there can't have all the fun...Game time in a little over 2 hours for one more with Arizona... then they come home to meet the birds. GO Blue!

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