Sunday, October 21, 2012

Post Season GAB...West Coast 10/21/12

Here's how it's gone so far:
I was terribly disappointed when the Orioles lost their chance for advancement to the Yankees. And so, since it's always a good thing in my book when the Yankees get swept, it made it that much sweeter to watch.

 I was terribly disappointed when the As got taken out of the running. Both the Orioles and the As fought hard, but in the end the Detroit Tigers prevailed over Oakland and when on to the American League Championship to face the Yankees. It was not difficult to choose sides there, and like I mentioned before a swept Yankees team is always a good thing. The bigger they are the harder the fall. CRASH!

What remains a mystery to me is the number of fans who have NO idea about the history of the team (specifically the Yanks), and have NEVER even been to the state let alone the Bronx and claim to be a "die-hard fan." (I know a few I would even challenge to find it the state on a map.) They can never cite any former players outside their own generation and yet gush about how "awesome the Yankees have always been." Fascinating. If you see yourself in this post, sit there quietly and consider what you have done. That's another, much longer post for another time. Meanwhile, enjoy your winter.

Many of you who know my earlier writings (and me personally) know I am a DIE-HARD National League fan. And of course, the Dodgers are my Boys. That said, this year has mirrored a couple of previous years in recent past. Here's where it starts: I must- ABSOLUTELY MUST watch/follow October baseball. It's a given. But I find myself rooting for someone as it makes the games more fun to watch...and I carefully select who I want to cheer on. If my Dodgers aren't in the running, (sigh) I look at who has the post season at their fingertips and make my choice....for that post season alone.

That said, I would have liked to have seen the Nationals advance. But alas- and there is NO nicer way to say this- THEY BLEW IT. One strike away from wrapping it after having had an early 6-0 lead over the Cardinals, and THEY BLEW IT. WHO does that?? So since the Cardinals had a direct impact on the Dodgers not advancing earlier on in the season, and now with ruining the Nationals' chances (Cards already have a World Series title- LAST YEAR- spread the wealth! They are the next Yankees in my book), I have no desire to see the Cards advance. Let them eat cake.

So, I had to make the decision to root for the Giants.
Before you judge...
here's another reason: West Coast teams are soooo not taken seriously by the media. And if there is a Detroit v. St. Louis World Series, that only covers the middle part of the national demographics for baseball fans.

Geography 101: Dear Non New York based Yankees Fans mentioned above: pop quiz: Find New York on this map.

No, I want the west to be noticed. And California is an amazing state.

And I have no love for the Cards right now. I have to root for the Giants. Remember: I root for the National League. To be fair, it would have to be a special occasion for me to cheer on the  American League during a World Series. I have good friends who are As and Orioles fans. Plus those teams... when was the last time anyone paid any attention to them in October (or in April for that matter). Yes, yes... I have received a lot of flak for rooting for the Giants: "What kind of a Dodger fan are you??" Like I said, this season is mimicking past years the Giants have made it this far. But I have already explained my reasons. Let me add I would NEVER EVER ROOT FOR THE GIANTS DURING THE REGULAR SEASON (unless they were playing some team that was nipping at the Dodgers' heels and we needed that team to lose in order for L.A. to advance.) Now when that happens and Dodger fans hope the Giants win, we don't catch any guff. I'd be rooting for the Dodgers RIGHT NOW if they they were here.

But alas they are not. And the Giants are.

It doesn't damage the Dodgers' record nor do anything bad to the Dodgers' standings if the Giants win right now. L.A. has no standings right now! And frankly, I'm not ashamed to admit I would like to see the Cardinals go down. Hard. Petty jealousy because YOUR team did not make the playoffs is ... petty. And ridiculous.

Come April, I will be right back at the Ravine cheering on my boys in Blue. And with any luck A-Rod will not be traded to them, but that's a whole different fear of mine to be saved for another post- this one is already long enough- ok, ok, ...too long).

GIRL TALK: Ladies, we all know the jealousy thing.  That ridiculous green-eyed monster.

Knock it off. Seriously. If the guy is with you, he's with you. So what if he looks.
If he's not looking, I'd check his pulse. Relax and be confident he is loyal to you.

If in the end he strays, it wasn't the other team's- er, I mean the other girl's fault- it's his. And he wasn't worthy of your attention anyway. The Dodgers will never lose my heart.

I am devoted to their cheering section. And one day I will be able to post about the details of their October achievements from first hand experience. But till then, I go year by October year. And right now, Cards must go away. Let's see a Detroit v. San Francisco Fall Classic. (But if the Cards prevail I will be reduced to cheering them on in the World Series against the Tigers. It's a National League thing. But it just won't be as fun. And heaven knows I'll never hear the end of it if the Giants don't make it to face Detroit after all I have said.) St. L and San F play later today. GO Blue! (Er, GO West Coast!) Hint: Yankees Fans:New York is not on this map either. It was a trick question earlier. You can stop looking now...

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