Monday, October 8, 2012


Here's the thing about post season that grabs me: it's the best of the best of THAT particular season, and they play HARD. You see the teams and managers do things that for some reason they don't try in the regular season. There's nothing like it. It's real. It's competitive. It's cut-throat. 

And regardless of the teams involved, I watch. I could sit here and compare it to life, but instead I tend to compare life's situations to post season baseball when I see it happening. Anything challenging and forcing me to think outside the box ... "How can I win this... "
that's post season. 
And yes, I love a challenge. I adore competition. 

When I walked the dogs tonight, the air was crisp and a few people had their chimneys going already. 

It smelled like fall. And all that reminded me of was baseball. I know when this time of year rolls around, I am reluctant to surrender my favorite pass time yet, so I insist on watching the games whether or not the Dodgers are involved.  A lot of my friends and family are confused by this and have already moved onto football or laundry. 

To be fair, I have been watching football, too. 

I decided recently that the 49ers needed a new fan: Me. But here's the problem with football: YOUR  TEAM ISN'T ALWAYS BEING SHOWN! How can you root for a team consistently and truly get a feel for how they are doing if you can't watch them with some consistency. And of course, if their game isn't shown on TV (regular cable- not the special channels on Direct TV or whatever), then you have to wait a whole week before maybe you get to see them. Baseball is different in that even if you miss a game or two, chances are there's another game to watch the next or third day. So with fall [base]ball going on, it's an easier wean for me. But come November, boy-oh-boy do the withdrawals hit hard. 

I even follow the American League teams at this point- I want to scope out the possible competition for when it's time for the National League to face them in the World Series (aha- see? There's that competition thing again...). I must say, I would REALLY like to see the Yankees go away. Baltimore has come so far this year. Good for them! And the As as well. But the As are already down two games in a best-of-five deal. And of course there's no love right now for the Giants, so I'm rooting for the Reds in that situation. To be honest, I would like to see it come down to the Washington Nationals going to the World Series. They're tied at one game each with the Cardinals. Just so we're clear, I can't stand it when the World Series is two teams from the east.  West coast teams hold their own just fine. But this year, the Orioles and the Nats have come a long way. They've both more than earned it. So hats off to them if they go all the way. (Again, cheering on the As right now in their games, but losing faith real fast.) But it's all about fall-ball for me right now... and may the best of the best win!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love the Gone with the Wind pic. Plus, I love Fall. i love the leaves, cooler temps, and festive moods. Plus, it is great to see your diverse sports tastes.. Good post =)

    Melissa J.
