I had the radio on and was listening to Dodger Talk, http://tunein.com/radio/AM570-Fox-Sports-LA-s26568/ and I gotta say I agreed with everyone: the batting line-up resembled late season...LAST YEAR. This was so anti-climatic compared to Opening Day. I know not every game is going to be that spectacular, but the series as a whole stung. It stings because it's the Giants. It stings because we have been given an amazing Team with amazing names- big names with big reputations, and let's face it Big Expectations... and they couldn't deliver. Carl Crawford got on base- he did his job as lead off man. (New Girls: Lead off man refers to the guy who bats first in the line-up. He is expected to get on base so that the guys who follow him can drive him home.) But the Dodgers missed so many opportunities last night, it was just embarrassing. (Speaking of embarrassing.... this one is mine. Her name is Carrie Bradshaw. So much more makes sense now, doesn't it?)
Last night, we left so many runners stranded... I know I was not the only fan who left the Stadium with a lump in her throat. Girl Talk: It's like the date you had high expectations and high hopes for gone bad: the date was late in picking you up, the food took a long time to get to you, then he drops you off without walking you to the door. Really?? Sigh.... Or it could be the akin to that big moment your friends told you to go for,... and you fell flat on your face. (Remember the "fashion roadkill?" episode. Ugh. We've all been there...)

On a completely unrelated note: When you go to the game, please do NOT be the fan who curses at the fans of the opposing team and makes obscene gestures at those other fans as well. Keep it real. I hate that term but it fits. Yelling: "Giants SUCK!" at Giant fans as they leave their seats really doesn't do much for anyone's reputation. 1) It makes L.A. fans look bad. 2) Even if they start it, {which in this case they did not and the Giants fans in my surrounding area were acting more civilized than certain L.A. fans sad to say} even if they start it, consider finishing it with silence. And finally 3) Clearly that particular phrase doesn't make much sense when they just beat us. I don't care how many beers you have had or have not had, don't try and provoke an incident. Yeah, don't be "THAT" fan. Again, keep it classy. (Love Breakfast at Tiffany's!)
Feel free to holler things during the game, but don't let it get personal and don't provoke "stoopid." Be creative and be funny, but know that if you are drunk you are probably going to be neither. And I don't care which team you are rooting for at that point. Have fun, be responsible, and be safe. Oh, and be a Lady. I think that's why it bugged me so much- the provoker was female. I turned to the Giants fans she was mocking (they looked nervous), and let them know she didn't speak for all L.A. fans. They smiled. See? How hard was that? Play nice. PLAY BALL! Off day today. Next Game: Tomorrow Friday April 5, 7:10 P.M. Russell Martin returns in a Pirates uniform. He was always one of my faves. Welcome home, Russell. GO Blue!
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