What the--?? I walk away for a split second to let the dogs out and we take the lead? Did someone change the channel? (I love this episode- Lucy took apart the TV.)
Who is this team, and what have they done with my Dodgers? They're winning. Ok, Don Mattingly FINALLY did what everyone has been thinking he should do when he has a chance to save the game: HE TOOK THE PITCHER OUT! Who cares if this pitcher gets the win? The Dodgers need the win! We had the lead, and we kept it BECAUSE Donnie took Fife out at the right time. It was the right thing to do even though he was ahead. And so with all due respect to Brandon League, Mattingly deserves credit for the save (several innings ahead of time). I know, I know, ain't gonna happen. Just making a point. Look, the pitcher had a rough first inning, but he was excited. GIRL TALK: You know when your guy gets a new toy? Yeah, that. (That's the 2013 Mustang GT, BTW.)
So Fife just got called up to replace Billingsly who's been placed on the DL for 15 days (SERIOUSLY?! I swear- what next?) And Fife was probably a little jet lagged, my guess. But after a "stoopid" first inning where basically no pitch landed where it should have, he settled down and kept the Orioles at bay. He held them off. Enter our bats, exit a losing streak.
*Love Snagglepuss! Where was I... Ah! Enter OUR BATS! Where have THOSE magic bats been for the last five or six games? Sweet! Kinda makes me think of H.R. PufnStuf and Living Island. (Remember Sid and Marty Kroft?) On Living Island, everything came to life: trees, plants, horses, dragons...

and so today the Dodger bats came to life. Everyone pitched in and helped a little. We so needed that morale boost. Frankly, I didn't care that Fife settled down enough to probably deserve the win- I felt like the TEAM needed the win more so. And so it is: Dodgers win 7-4.
NEW GIRLS: History lesson part I: "Dem Bums" is a term that was coined for the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers. They were always losing (shocker I know), and so before the days of TV broadcasts and such, people would ask: "Did the Dodgers win win today?" knowing full well that they probably didn't. They'd shake their heads and grumble, "Dem Bums!" It's almost tradition to complain and grumble about the Dodgers. They are like that one family member- maybe a cousin or an uncle- that everyone picks on and that it's ok to pick on because it's YOUR family and you CAN. But the minute someone ELSE picks on them, WATCH IT! Dem Bums... #gottaloveem.
Ok, this one was just lovely:
Can be found at http://artistbarbararudolph.blogspot.com/2012/05/painting-baseball-dem-bums-finished-in.html The Artist tells the story behind it as well. Nice!
GIRL TALK: Same lesson as the New Girl stuff. I think I added it here though for Girl Talk as well because with us, we also have our friends and so the same lesson applies there too.... WE can pick on our friends because we adore them and will always have their back. We will always love her/them and be there for her/them and have her best interests at heart. But if anyone ELSE tells her those jeans make her look fat... WATCH IT! Dem Bums...! #gottaloveem.
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