Friday, May 17, 2013


Dodgers lose. 'Nuff said. I have tried to be patient. I have tried to be positive. But there come a point when a Girl's gotta say "ENOUGH! Who is responsible for this??" (Well, in my opinion I KNOW who is responsible, but HE'LL never be let go....) And by the way, WHY do the announcers always seem so surprised when Matt Guerrier and Paco Rodriguez blow it in a combined effort?? They- the announcers- must practice... like Lucy when she thought she was being thrown a housewarming party (6th season- I have the DVDs).

I feel for guys like Scott Van Slyke, I really do. Someone like him who is actually trying, and who has shown promise in AAA has got to be thinking to himself: Maybe if I do really well, this game can be like an 'audition' to be traded.... Thanks for the two home runs, Scott, for all they were worth. You couldn't be expected to win this one on your own. We're going to lose all the really good guys if something doesn't turn around. Ah, who am I kidding. It's all part of the plan, right? We've got them right where we want them. Girl Talk: It's like watching your BFF make the same mistake over and over and over and over... and you keep telling her how to fix it. Sooner or later you just have to sit back and tell yourself maybe they- I mean she- doesn't want the help. It's more comfortable to be "the victim." If they don't want the help, then let it go. Just watch from a distance and keep shaking your head. (Frankly, I never could understand why Melanie trusted Scarlett in the first place but whatever...)

Look, I was once told that people are generally afraid of succeeding because then they will have to live up to it. Even though that person who told me that wasn't even a baseball fan, and it was in an entirely different context, sounded like someone who was familiar with Dodger management and coaching staff. When does it stop ONLY being the Players' fault? Ladies, when we meet a Guy who neglects to hold the door open for us, or maybe swears a lot, don't we think: "Well, HE wasn't raised right...."  Kinda the same thing. It's the Guy's fault for not figuring it out, yes. To a huge degree, we are responsible for our own actions. But ultimately we are also the product of our sum; our influences and mentors who are supposed to teach us right from wrong. And THAT is precisely where the Players can't be held accountable. While there is only so much they can or can't do on their own, and they are not blameless by any means, in their defense we also gotta look at who's "raising" them as a team. The team is the product of that sum. So in my opinion, until those coaches- er I mean managers - er I mean numbers-to-add-up are switched around, then that sum and the final product of a team will be darned lucky if they add up to even become a 500 team.

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