Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pre Game GAB Sunday July 29, 2012

Getting Ready for the Game

Los Angeles Dodgers

Quick Refs for General Baseball Terms and Trivia

For the Well-Dressed Female Fan

I'm thinking pitcher's duel. After yesterday's lovely 10-0 shut out as the Dodgers beat the Giants, I'm wondering if the bats might go quiet just a bit as Kershaw and Vogelsong take the mound. Kershaw has had two red marks in his loss column the last two times Vogelsong beat L.A. Dislike. However, coming off of Friday's and Saturday's momentum, I think Kershaw has an advantage. There's nothing like a little boost to the psyche to compel your Ace to bring his best game to the park. We'll need it if we intend to tie for first in our division by the end of the day.
*Translation in new-girl speak: I am thinking there won't be a lot of runs scored today due to really strong pitching.  
Pitchers' duels: These can be hard games to watch. Especially on TV. 

So make a routine. Have a little fun with it. Note the line up, and make a sub-game. My best friend was never a sports fan in general (opposites attract), but he used to do this little thing during meetings at work in order to make them more interesting: pick a sub-meeting. Let's say the sub-meeting is ice cream. Every time something happens or is said at the meeting, bring it around to a subtle reference about ice cream. 
Boss: "The goal is to cut expenses, starting with a reduction of spending on supplies"
Worker: "I think going down that path might lead us on a Rocky Road."

Those in the inner-circle will get it, and that Worker scores a point.  
And so here's my point: if you think you might want to try and start listening to the game on the radio so you can get stuff done around the house at the same time, or maybe actually watch it on TV, then try the sub-game game. Start simple: pick a player- any player- and pick a sub-game theme (let's say it's coffee), and every time he gets on base, make a reference: "Wow, a double shot espresso!" 

Just make it more fun for yourself. That' the key. Going by the line up today, (for new girls that's the order in which the players bat), Dodgers look strong. Still a little bummed that Hairston isn't starting (I love seeing him at 3rd base.. it's like watching moving art), but we have Kemp batting third followed by Ethier batting clean up (hitting fourth is called "clean up"- I will discuss THAT one another time) and Ramirez rounding out the heart of the order batting fifth. 
I like the term "the heart of the order." It just makes sense. 

On a special wind-up note: I am mesmerized by Kershaw's wind up. 

Right before he gets ready to pitch, right before the actual moment he gets ready to throw the ball, there is another moment- a beautiful zen-like moment: he reaches for the sun. Maybe he is reaching for the stars or the moon, but since it's a day game today, I'll call sun. Watch for this. Many of you already know what I am talking about. Watch for it. 
May we all learn from mesmerization (I may have just created a new word. I have been known to do to that from time to time.) 
See you after the game .. which starts in like ten minutes. GO BLUE!

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