Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Win is a Win...Post Game GAB August 5, 2012

To quote Vin Scully: "Well this has been a see-saw game!" 

Cubs led. Dodgers led.  Cubs led. Dodgers led. I actually really like games like that. Even though my heart races and I'm all nervous-like and fussy. It makes for an interesting game. Bottom line in today's game, relief pitching for both teams was off.  I'm ok with it if the other team has a bad day. Just not if Dodger pitchers have a bad hair day. 

Many swear words were invented today from the comfort of my couch. Especially in the ninth. OPINION ALERT:A big reason I didn't like Broxton when he was our closer was that he constantly threw the save and in turn he'd get the win. He only really seemed to do that if and when the heart of the line-up was due up. So, for instance, let's say we were up by one run (New Girls: "winning" by one run), and Broxton was asked to come in to save it. He seemed to coincidentally almost always blow it by allowing the other team to tie it. He only tended to do this when the heart of our batting order was due up. So if Ethier or Kemp would be coming to bat (should we have to bat- if the closer would just SAVE the game like he is supposed to... we would win and our Boys could go home to their families!)... so if Ethier or Kemp were due up, Broxton would quite often allow the other team to tie it up. That would leave for a sweet ending hopefully: a walk-off home run. Or at the very least a walk off RBI of some sort. It was risky, but often worked. The problem I have with that (and he seemed to do it to Chad Billingsly most often), is that Broxton was a closer for us. He should have been going for the save. NOT the win. Let someone else who earned the win keep it. Ugh. Now, fast forward to today,... look what happened. And this is the second time (I think- maybe third) that I have seen Jansen do this same thing. Thank goodness it didn't back fire. But I caught on as soon as the Cubs actually tied it in the ninth. Now, they probably had no idea about any of that. They were just trying to win it. But they didn't stand a chance. Not with the adrenaline of Kemp and Ramirez going. So what we had was this: Ramirez got the job done. And Jansen got himself a win. That number in his stats looks good. (But so does a save! I just wish he would realize that and be content with it!)  Those fans in the stands are hot and cranky. They are tired and maybe even a little sunburned.  They want to go home. But closers know everyone likes an exciting win. A walk off RBI in this case was very exciting , especially after such a "see-saw" game. Ok, so we won.Great, right? A win is a win by any other name. I just wish it wasn't so bittersweet. For me. Not all fans are gonna feel the same I do on this. Far from it. But I stand by my opinions as they are mine.  
Girl Talk: Ladies, it's like when the guy you really like sees an opportunity to "save" you. All guys like to play hero. We know that.(Awww, I remember that show! Loved it!)
Nothing wrong there... with a guy wanting to play hero. And we need it every once in awhile. Heavy furniture, a ride somewhere, whatever... Not to say one of our BFFs can't help us. But if we call on a guy and they step up, it's because they want to. But what if they started moving ALL the furniture in the house?? All you needed was the piano moved! Too much. Back off a little, dude. You don't need to go for the win all the time. Just save the game. 
Dodgers win. We sweep the Cubs. Yay! Giants win. Aurgh!  Diamondbacks lose. Heehee. See? Back off a little, dude[s]. But not all the way. We like to keep it interesting.

Game time tomorrow 7:10 pm PDT. Rockies are in town. Let's DO this! GO Blue!

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