Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1, 2012 Post Game GAB: E Komo Mai

This needs to be brief. Last minute change in plans: I AM going to the game. Normally, I do not tend to be a "Rules" Girl. That stuff seems forced to me. Pretending to be something you are not in order to impress someone. Listen up: If you think you have to TRY and impress someone, chances are they are not right for you. They should be impressed by your charm and wit inherently. Period. So with that tidbit having been said, "last minute change in plans" never bothered me. If something sounds fun and doable... GO! Do it. Good grief~ sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, but if it doesn't ring by Wednesday for a Saturday outing then you have to refuse... what is THAT about? Ick. Sometimes the most spontaneous stuff can be the most rewarding. Just. Be. You. And by all means, if you are a "Rules" Girl by nature, then stick to that. As long as it is genuine. You absolutely have to know who you are and what your heart craves. Ooh! Craving... now I want a frozen lemonade from my favorite vendor.  'Course, my fave vendor sells Dibs ice cream nuggets, but that is not the pint. Sorry- I digress. My point with this was that my change of plans came from within my own calendar. I had some stuff to do, but Victorino is in the line up today. Someone had a ticket they were not using, and they knew who to call. Perfect. The stuff I have to do can actually be put off till tomorrow. Awesome. Just like when someone goes on the DL or a pitching change on the other team is made so Mattingly has to perhaps make a change in the batting order. Last minute stuff happens all the time. Roll with it. And now I'll have the in-house perspective to write about when I get back. Perfect

Language lesson for a Wednesday:"E Komo Mai" means "Welcome" in Hawaiian. Make yourself at home. Our home is your home. Victorino as I previously mentioned is from Hawaii. I thought a little greeting might make him feel more at home. E Komo Mai, Shane. Your new Ohana ("family").  We have palm trees in L.A. too. 
Game time: 12:10 p.m. PDT. 

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