Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1, 2012 Post Game GAB. Step out of the Batter's Box...

Sad Kim. Talk about an anti-climatic debut. *Sigh... Ok. Enough of the woe-is-us attitude. We need a day off. Oh look. Tomorrow is a day off. No game.  On the bright side I remembered the sunscreen (50 spf) and still got a little bit of a tan while at the game. I'm 3/4 Latina so I guess that explains that. Plus the fact the shade didn't show up till the 8th inning. Let's talk about the not so bright side. With a lump in my throat, I have to look at a final score of 4-0... swept by the D-Backs. Grr. The offense was just not there. Granted it might take a little while  for the new line-up to acclimate to each other and L.A.'s recent weird weather (humid, hot). But it's not like we have a whole lot of time. The Brady Bunch figured it out: 3 boys, 3 girls, a maid named Alice, a mom and a dad, a dog named Tiger and a cat named Fluffy. They had more than 9 in their line-up. If they can do it, so can we. 
Enough of the rah-rah pep talk (we know what needs to be done- so does the Blue Crew- no need to beat a dead horse). Quick recap then I move on: Shane Victorino went 0 for 4. (New Girls: that means he was up to bat four times... and nothing happened.) Dodgers had only two hits in the game, and one of those was from our pitcher Stephen Fife. (New Girls: This was interesting as pitchers are not known for their batting expertise.) All in all the afternoon felt long and hot. I did have my frozen lemonade, satisfying that yen. But there is something else that crossed my mind as I sat in my usual seats (or close to them anyway): Late arrivals. Note: It is NOT chic to be "fashionably late" to a ball game. It is simply awkward to have strangers crawl all over you (or you over them). This reminds me of an "I Love Lucy" scene: Lucy and Ethel aren't speaking for one reason or another and they both have theatre tickets. Ethel and Fred are there first, and Ethel is complaining to Fred that she hopes the people sitting next to them "don't show up late and crawl all over us. If there is ONE thing I hate it's people who show up late and CRAWL all over you!"
Now, to be fair, I understand we cannot always plan for traffic, parking issues, or whatever. But if you are late to a ball game, may I suggest you use the same etiquette protocol as you would in a movie (hopefully). Find your seat quickly and sit in it. Food and bathroom should be done prior to your seat acclamation, NOT 10 minutes after you just sat down after having crawled over 8 other fans. And if you need to leave your seat at any given point, a polite "excuse me" will suffice over the "AHEM!" Oh and if you are unfamiliar with a place- any place, ask an usher. Please. Standing there digging your ticket out of your purse  wondering aloud to your  group if you are in the right vicinity of your seat is just  silly. Fix it. And lastly, you paid for one seat (presumably), and it probably wasn't mine. As you may stretch during the course of a game, try not to lean all the back head and arms combined so that you end up (inadvertently?) grabbing my knee behind you. Personal space please. Hopefully all of you already employ the common sense I have imparted here, but just in case. And if you do abide by these rules on a regular basis, props to you. We need your kind at the games. And on one more happy note, oh the plethora of heels today at the stadium would have made Jimmy Choo proud! 

And yes those ARE Jimmy Choos! So pretty!
Well done - well worn Ladies! 
Now, in wrapping up I will say this: when the Team is down like this, remember what I said before: time to regroup and think. Think. Think. Think. 
Then walk away from it. Shake it off. You will drive yourself crazy if you keep staring at it or analyzing it or what-iffing it to pieces. "Iffing." Another new word. Yay! All is not lost. Ladies: Sometimes when a hitter is up to bat, he steps "outside the batter's box" for  moment to collect his thoughts and maybe readjust his grip on the bat. Then he steps back into the box ready to swing.Tomorrow the Blue Crew can take a day to chill out in this heat.... and step out of the batter's box. (Think outside the box perhaps? Hmmm....Like!) Time off helps us gain perspective. I love the fact that Ramirez, League and Victorino now wear Blue. Today was only one day. Would it be better to have won? Of course!  Giants play tonight. Arizona is breathing down our necks. Winning is always better. But we will all have our bad days: no runs in a ball game, runs in our tights, that stupid piece of fly-away hair that misbehaves, the "perfect" outfit that all of a sudden fits weird, going 0-4.... A debut is like a first date. But there ARE some first dates that go wrong.... and end up turning into something really cool. Especially if the chemistry is there. And I think the chemistry IS there. This particular group of players has all the right pieces to make a run for the pennant.
Yes, even the big one. I say go for it L.A.
They just need to step out of the batter's box and regroup. We all need to sometimes. But remember this too: time does not automatically heal or fix stuff. It's what you do with the time that matters. No game tomorrow, but I will probably post anyway. It's just how my brain works. It's what I do with my time: I write. And  for now, I will leave you with the lyrics to one of my favorite songs:  "I'll stop the world and melt with you. You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time. There's nothing you and I won't do. I'll stop the word and melt with you." -Modern English. Ever since the new ownership took over the Dodgers... this team has that in them: there's nothing they can't or won't do. I believe that. They've got each other's back. Mattingly even gave #8 to Victorino to wear. Nice. Yeah, they'll be ok. They're gonna be just fine. We all just need to take a moment to step out of the batter's box.  
Game time Friday: 7:10 pm. PDT. Fireworks night.

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