Sunday, September 16, 2012

Post Game GAB: GRRRR...

I love this picture of Tallula Bankhead. It just say it all for me. John Ely... *sigh... I had such high hopes for him last year. That's twice lately he's blown it for us on the mound. But again, not entirely his fault. If management can't have the foresight to see that some of these guys might be NEEDED ONE DAY and ACTUALLY USE THEM SO THEY DON'T GROW OLD SITTING IN THE BULLPEN.... 

Ah, yes, the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. I have the feeling today's game will haunt the Dodgers for awhile.
A good friend of mine turned me onto the tradition of eating something every time the Dodgers start to lose. Great. Just great. Now there's a fresh new idea. What girl eats when she's depressed? Never heard of THAT before...

Or how about shopping? Yeah, I'll do that.

Dolce and Gabbana. 
Am I over doing it a bit? After all, it isn't the playoffs. Yet. 

No. No, no, no. I refuse to give up hope. It is never too late.

And it is never over doing it when it's Dolce. 

Next game is Tuesday. On the road.


Oh, and they play the Nationals.
Best record in baseball. 
Seriously. We CAN do this. Here's to you, Boys! BEAT D.C.!

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