Not cool at all.
We had the lead! And it was the Mariners! THIS should not be happening. I feel like it's dejavu from other recent years. And Capuano, well, he was great... for a couple of innings. Till he have up a homer.
Then another.
Years ago, I had a Director (my favorite of all time probably) who used to rein us back in when we would lose focus and become unproductive and run a mok. He used to reel us in by hollering:
"Guys, guys, guys... !" I can hear his voice now... "Guys, guys, guys...Guys!" Sometimes we would listen- and other times we were simply too busy being content in our present state of mind.
Although I was as excited as anyone (and still am) about many big names joining the legacy of the Dodgers, I was concerned over the notion that anyone could just buy a bunch of expensive players and call it a team. Sure sure sure,... there's the argument that everyone has to gel. Uh-huh. Ok. Got it. But what's wrong with the idea of grabbing a few promising Rookies who demonstrate potential, throw them in the pot, keep the ones who work for us, buy a few expensive teammates......and voila! A Team. And why why why do we always take on players that just came off surgery? Or are about to need surgery.
I'm sure Carl Crawford will still be able to play alright, but will he ever be the same? (shrug) Dunno. But why go there?? Why not have planned to stick Hairston in Left Field and Cruz at third and everyone can hit and everyone is happy? I probably should have introduced that rant as an opinion at some point, but I don't feel like retracing my steps and finding the insertion spot. Eh. Who's gonna listen to me anyway. I'm just a girl, right? I always liked Miranda...I could relate...
Look, all I am suggesting is that maybe we needed some new blood around here in a different way. And by new blood, I don't mean a transfusion from some other team's old blood. I mean NEW. Like when we found Kershaw. The perfect example! We molded him - we were able to to turn a young rising star with potential...because WE found him. I'm not saying Kershaws are a dime a dozen. But there's got to be some raw talent out there to look to and start watching. And while we're at it, let's start thinking about management. Coaches, I am fine with you. And Mattingly rocks. Hmmm.... who hasn't been reviewed lately by the press or Ownership...Let's see now... Oh why can't I think of a name.... maybe a word association game might help here... let's see what rhymes with.... Oh well... I'll think of a name later. Why am I all of a sudden in the mood for confetti cake...?
Girl Talk: When the beginning of a relationship is going MEH or simply lousy, AND its a relationship you really want to work out, we hang in there, am I right? It may be that we need to work on it a little. It will all turn out ok in the end, right? At least, we have to keep telling ourselves that. Otherwise we lose hope. And its just too early in the year to do that. It's only Spring Training. So let's not give up hope. Let's just listen to the experts
We HAVE to be. GO Blue!
(WHY can't I think of that name...?)
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