You win some, you lose some.
Right Miss Scarlett?
First of all, I've been stewing over yesterday's news that Hanley Ramirez is expected to miss two months due to a torn right thumb ligament. (Normally I like stew, but not when it's over one of my favorite Players getting injured! Although this one here does look good...)

Ok, shake it off... moving on. Luis Cruz hit two home runs today. This would have been great and good enough even, had reliever Josh Wall not given up three earned runs in the top of the ninth.

Reds come from behind and win it, 6-5. NEW GIRLS: An earned run is a run for which the Pitcher is held accountable. Period. He throws the ball, a home run is hit or the batter makes it to second on a double and then later scores... those are earned runs. Now, if there is a fielding error, let's say the shortstop makes a throwing error and the runner should have been out but now he's safe...if THAT runner scores later in this same inning, that would be an unearned run. The guy never should have made it to second, but it wasn't the Pitcher's fault that he did. It was the Shortstop's fault. There are many other nuances and details and examples which you can find of course at MLB:
But let's move on. Lesson of the day. Where was I... ah yes, we lost to the Reds. Two days till one week away from Opening Day and THIS is how you want to treat my blood pressure, Boys?
Now I DO want a treat.... Who doesn't like Starbucks?? I can't wait for the coconut topping to come back in the summer...!

Boys, please I implore you, DO NOT get distracted. We've been winning a few here and there lately...let's keep doing that, shall we? GIRL TALK: Distractions...ah yes, they happen. The cute guy at the office. Or in English 101. Or that adorable waiter. (Hey, Smith's character started out as a waiter...Seee???)

Or the perfect shoes on sale.

Or dimples.
Or for my younger readers, Justin Bieber.
Or when I was that age Shaun Cassidy.

Or now Jimmy Fallon or Paul Rudd or John Cusack... Or... or... or... what was I saying? See? Distractions! They can be good sometimes, but other times they can derail us! Distractions are ok when we need a break, right Ladies? I mean, we know what it's like to need a day at the spa or a manicure or simply an hour of "quiet-ME" time. Of course! But we also need to know when to FOCUS! SOOOO... we take the distraction: let's assume the dimples have passed by (I have always had a weak spot but that's another story), we allow ourselves to indulge BRIEFLY...
then we refocus and get back to work. And THAT is the moral of the story. Stay on target. Stay on target...
Star Wars fans will get that picture... I usually try and streamline to baseball but this came to mind...PLUS I saw it on another Girl's blog I just like the idea of Girl Fans of whatever having blogs...this one looks to be Star Wars related...Yay!)
Where was I...
Stay focused. Don't let the win slip away from you. Every win should count as big....
(Oh, and by the way, I was SOOO hoping Cruz would be first in in line if Hanley couldn't play...!) I would prefer Hanley to NOT have been injured in the FIRST PLACE- WHO'S IDEA WAS THAT TO LET OUR PLAYERS GO TO- alright, alright I already said my piece earlier...but Cruz SO VERY MUCH MY FIRST BACKUP CHOICE.... please please please oh please let that mean that Hairston will play third....
Dear Baseball Santa, I've been very, very good this year. All I want for Opening Day is Hanley Ramirez at Shortstop. If I can't have that, then Cruz and Hairston rounding out the infield would be much appreciated. Love the statue through Danburymint. A very good likeness.
Thanks. Love, Kim.
P.S. peanuts and popcorn on the table... help yourself. GO BLUE!
Writing ©2013
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